“You Cannot Contain Me”

If I wasn’t a photographer looking for interesting elements of contrast, this scene would make me crazy.

If you look at my desk, it is all very orderly. Everything in its place. The pens go here. The papers go there. No,

do not put that there, Lisa!

I don’t think I’m a rule follower, per se, but I do value and seek out “orderliness.” There are systems. There are rules. We do things for a reason because they work. And when people work hard to establish a system, then we owe it to them to try and honor it.

When people take the time to paint lines in a parking lot, and when they look nice and crisp and clean, we should have some respect and not burn rubber over them!

(Take a breath, Landon.)

The interplay between the lines and curves of this image make me so happy. The fence is sturdy, protecting the lot. The parking space lines are clean and clear, providing assurance and comfort that there is a place for you.

And then the tire tracks scream: “YOU CANNOT CONTAIN ME!”

And, honestly? Respect.

Purchase a print of “You Cannot Contain Me”


“Through the Fence”


“I Will Not Be Hidden” | Ozark National Forest